What do people who have worked with Kari Malkovich think of her?
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Utah State Senator, District 7
“I have been involved in politics on the state level for a long time and have come to realize how important it is to have high quality people who are willing to serve. Kari Malkovich is that type of person. I have been so impressed with her ability to analyze a problem and find a solution. She understands local government and is well-known statewide for her knowledge and strong work ethic. I've watched her work effectively with elected leaders on the federal, state, and county levels. She will serve our community with integrity and fiscal responsibility. Kari's institutional knowledge and experience will benefit our district in the Utah House of Representatives.”

Utah House Majority Leader
"I've known Kari for nearly ten years, during which I have seen her serve the communities of southern Utah county in countless ways. She has been a leader within the Chamber of Commerce, on the Woodland Hills City Council, and is actively involved in legislative issues. I know she will be a real asset serving in the Utah State Legislature. She has my full support."

Utah State Treasurer
"My friends in House District 66: With Kari Malkovich, you have a rare opportunity to be represented by one the most passionate, hardworking, thoughtful and informed PUBLIC SERVANTS I have ever known. I am proud to endorse Kari for House 66!"

State Auditor
"As a former state Representative and current State Auditor, I know the importance of electing an independent and thoughtful leader. Kari Malkovich is that kind of leader. I’ve watched her bring stakeholders to the table to solve difficult problems. She is a strong voice for her community. And, like me, I know she will be frugal with your taxpayer dollars. I strongly support Kari Malkovich for House District 66."

Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Chair, Tabitha's Way
"As the Chair of the Spanish Fork Salem Chamber of Commerce, I have witnessed Kari's innovative and collaborative approach to improving and creating new opportunities for local businesses to thrive. In her Leadership role for our Chamber, Kari developed and implemented strategies that will allow our organization to better serve our community and it's businesses as we prepare for future growth and the challenges that often arise with change. I greatly admire her passion and dedication to serving our businesses and community."
Owner/Operator, Chick-fil-A, Spanish Fork
"I have had the pleasure of working with Kari Malkovich for the past 4 years in the Spanish Fork/Salem Chamber of Commerce. She is a passionate advocate for small business. Kari is up to date on all legislation and has the relationships to make things happen. Her organization and drive can't be beat. I am grateful to her for being a champion for my business."

Owner of Fat Daddy's Pizzeria, Provo
Pizza & Politics
"I don't endorse candidates often. This cycle, I've only endorsed two. But I think it's time I endorse a third. Kari Malkovich is running for State House in District 66. She is engaged in her community, serves as a city council member in Woodland Hills, and is the out going President of the Spanish Fork Chamber of Commerce. Kari knows the unique challenges of South Utah County because South Utah County is her home for 29 years. She showed her leadership during the fires of 2018. She's able to make the tough decisions. I have every confidence that Kari Malkovich will be a great House Representative for District 66."
Chairman & CEO Clyde Companies Inc.
"As a CEO, former Mayor, Husband, Father and Grandfather I find that Kari Malkovich checks all the boxes to be a great State Representative. Nobody will work harder to represent those of us in the South County. I encourage you to vote for Kari Malkovich in the primary election."
Spanish Fork
"As you know, I am passionate about women with a purpose. Kari Malkovich is our woman. She is running for Utah House District 66 and has my full support. Kari is an experienced leader and passionate local advocate who has lived in our district for many years. She will continue to work hard and will do great things as our representative."
Woodland Hills
"I have known Kari for nearly 30 years and have found her to be an individual of integrity and honesty. She has always worked hard for our community -- as a volunteer, as chair of the planning commission, and currently as a council member. I am happy to lend my full support for her to represent us in the Utah House of Representatives.”
"Kari Malkovich has our vote for the Utah House Seat for District 66. She has spent her lifetime serving, solving problems, and bringing our community together in both good and difficult times. She will do a phenomenal job as our representative!"
Spanish Fork
"Tenille and I consider Kari Malkovich a dear friend. One who always meets you and warms your heart with an incredible smile. Kari is an excellent communicator an even better listener and an effective advocate for anyone in our area. As a long-time resident of this community, Kari has deep roots and knows what makes our area so uniquely special. She will do a fantastic job representing us on Capitol Hill. We are excited and proud to give Kari our full endorsement."

Utah County Sheriff
"I have witnessed first-hand the way Kari has performed her duties and responsibilities for the City of Woodland Hills. We first met because of her love for the caucus system – she as a delegate, and I as a candidate. Her dedication to the issues made me a better contender. Now she is the candidate and I fully endorse her decision to represent you in District 66. There is no substitute for direct experience. Kari has demonstrated the leadership, knowledge and skill required to handle challenging issues. I trust her ability to listen to all views, research issues in depth, and make sound decisions. Kari is an outstanding leader in our community. I encourage you to give Kari your number one vote for House of Representatives.”

Box Elder County Commission
First VP of the Utah Association of Counties
”When I think of a public servant, Kari Malkovich comes to my mind. Wherever I am in the state as an elected official, Kari is usually there supporting her community. For me to know who she is should say a lot since I’m a 2-hour drive away from South Utah County!
Kari has always supported the Rural Caucus and our efforts with land management, environmental issues, natural resources, water, energy, road access, agriculture and education.
She has attended many of our events and meetings and has helped with legislation that is beneficial to rural Utah.”

Agriculture Education Specialist
"My endorsement for Kari in the District 66 Utah House of Representatives race comes from years of association with her volunteer time with the Utah County Republican Women groups and our respective work involving many areas of agriculture. Kari gets things done. Kari is a builder. She does the job she has before her and is able to see the effect the outcome will have on people and the area around her. She has literally fought fires, with gusto. She led the fight against the huge fires behind her beloved Woodland Hills.
Kari builds. As Yogi Berra said, when you come to a fork in the road, take it. She does just that because she has studied to outcome to make the decision of which fork to take.
She rallied our Farm Bureau women with her invitation to speak at a conference workshop. She was a catalyst in motivating the women to get involved with making the policy decisions that affect our farms and ranches. She knows agriculture. Kari has the experience and personality to build her District and Utah. She spends her time, as a volunteer, learning and teaching as she goes."

Research Administrator, Chemistry & Biochemistry BYU
Woodland Hills
"Kari Malkovich is my clear choice for Utah House District 66. Kari is no newcomer to public service—she has served for years as a city councilor and in Utah County Republican Party leadership, and she works incredibly hard and is knowledgeable about every issue I have ever discussed with her. Even as a local official she has spent significant time at the state capital representing city and county interests, and she has built important relationships at all levels of government—city, county, state, and even national. I recommend her as exceptionally well prepared and the best choice to represent District 66 in this extraordinary time when experience matters more than ever."

Executive Director of Development and Government Relations, SUU
"Each year, Kari enthusiastically organizes a Day on the Hill for Southern Utah University’s Master of Public Administration students at the Capitol. She does this on her own time and without being asked, to provide colleagues an opportunity to have a civic participation experience that is meaningful.
Through activities such as this, she has a connection to legislators and staff that will help her be immediately effective as a new State Representative. Her passion for state & local government and her unflagging commitment to her community are evident in everything she does."

MPA Director, SUU
"Each year, Kari enthusiastically organizes a Day on the Hill for Southern Utah University’s Master of Public Administration students at the Capitol. She does this on her own time and without being asked, to provide colleagues an opportunity to have a civic participation experience that is meaningful.
Through activities such as this, she has a connection to legislators and staff that will help her be immediately effective as a new State Representative. Her passion for state & local government and her unflagging commitment to her community are evident in everything she does."